Dental Implants Perth
Full dental implants
Missing teeth can prevent you from flashing a sweet smile or chewing your food correctly. And when you have a less than perfect smile, the tendency is to be shy and self-conscious.
Visit Currambine Dental for implants in Perth. Our stylish centre features state-of-the-art technology, highly skilled dentists and experienced staff who are on hand to ensure your dental issues don’t affect your health or confidence.
Currambine Dental can provide multiple implant options based on your dental circumstances and your budget. We endeavour to be as comfortable, gentle and inclusive as possible so we accept most private health covers for dental implant procedures.
Why get dental implants?
Having missing teeth will affect your health because it negatively affects the way you chew your food. In some cases, a person may tend to avoid certain healthy food options simply because they find it difficult to chew, leading toa poor diet.
Losing teeth also creates unnatural stress on the remaining healthy teeth which means your jawbone may begin to suffer. The remaining teeth assume more functions, making them weaker in the long run.
Implants are the preferred solution for lost teeth. It serves as a replacement for natural tooth roots. Our implants are anchored using hospital-grade titanium screws which provide support to traditional dental crowns. Whether you need are placement for a single tooth, several teeth, or all of your teeth, dental implants are the most popular and effective option.
Single tooth implants
Single tooth implants are by far the best way to replace a missing tooth. An implant is done in at least two visits with a specialist, and two visits with us for the making and attaching of the tooth crown. A single tooth implant ensures that the teeth on either side are not affected, and these teeth also don’t need to be shaved to support a bridge. That makes single tooth implants the perfect solution to fill in the gaps.
Full implant
If you’ve had your teeth removed for health reasons, we can help you get your smile back. Full dental implants look and feel natural and are the answer to lost teeth. Implants are advantageous as they are long-lasting and allow you to effectively retain a natural biting position. Your bone remains preserved thanks to the screw inserts. Without the roots, the bone begins to deteriorate. Chat to our dental specialists about restoring your teeth with a full set of natural-looking implants.
Currambine Dentalis proud of our professional team with extensive experience in providing excellent dental implants in Perth. Our goal is to enhance your smile and promote overall dental health. Through full and single dental implants, we have helped many patients achieve better-looking smiles, and want you to experience the same. This is the best way to regain your lost confidence and improve your eating habits.
Contact us fora consultation with Dr. Shah or to chat about what dental implants cost. Feel free to ask questions – our friendly and professional staff will gladly calm your concerns and put you at ease.